How Big Is the Baby Bump at 14 Weeks

week 14

How Big is Baby?

As you enter your second trimester, your baby is the size of a peach. All of her internal organs formed during the first trimester, and they will continue to mature from now until she's born.

Baby's Length: 3.42in.
Baby's Weight: 1.52oz.

Mom's Changing Body

You've reached the second trimester! You can rest easier knowing that your risk of miscarriage drops substantially at the end of this week—75 percent of miscarriages occur in the first trimester. If you're feeling on the up-and-up, thank your hormones. As levels of HCG drop, and estrogen and progesterone shift again, you've entered the "feel-good" trimester—typically marked by an energy burst and appetite increase. Not quite there yet? Unfortunately, some women continue to experience queasiness throughout pregnancy. But if your morning sickness is letting up, you'll probably notice your appetite starting to grow.

Baby's Development

The roof of your baby's tiny mouth is fully formed now, and her constant sucking reflexes are helping to create full, cherubic cheeks. If you're having a boy, the prostate is forming, and if you're having a girl, her ovaries are moving down into her pelvis.

week 14

Weekly Tip

Now that you're regaining energy; take the opportunity to fit in exercise. Light-to-moderate exercise, if your doctor approves, can actually help your growing baby (it boosts circulation so she gets oxygen more quickly), and it can even cut down on many of those annoying pregnancy side effects such as varicose veins, backaches, bloating, and swelling. For healthy, active women, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends aiming for 30 minutes of moderate exercise (that means taking a walk, not training for a triathlon) on most, if not all days of the week.

Week 14

Week 14 Ultrasound

The sonographer has magnified the image to show the baby-to-be's profile. His head is on the right-hand side of the image and his hand is on his chest.

Credit: American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine -

What Week 14 of Your Pregnancy Is Really Like

Pregnancy Confidential Podcast

The TMI Episode

At Week 14 you're well and truly in your second trimester—and with it comes a whole slew of changes to your body that you're probably starting to notice—from top to bottom. And no, we're not just talking about your belly. Yup, there's a whole lot more to pregnancy than just growing a baby bump, even for those seemingly blessed with a "perfect" bump on a "perfect" body. There's nary an inch of your body that goes untouched during these 9 months, not always for the worst (hello big boobs and lustrous hair!). And sometimes for the worst (thanks but no thanks acne, discharge and skin discoloration). In today's episode, we'll focus on the more TMI elements of your changing pregnant body, just so you know you're definitely not alone.

This Week's To-Do List

This Week's FAQs


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How Big Is the Baby Bump at 14 Weeks


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